Ayashimon Wiki

Over My Dead Body (ぶっ (ころ) されても (わた) さねえ Bukkoro Sarete mo Watasa nē?) is the ninth chapter of Ayashimon.


Maruo struggles to land a fatal blow on Doppo as he continues to get injured by the Ayashimon's attacks and is ultimately defeated. With Maruo out of the way, Doppo moves on to targeting Urara and preventing her from using her tanto. However, after Ten manages to grab the tanto and unsheathes it, Urara enters her yokai form and grabs both Maruo and Ten as they prepare to make their escape with Hashihime in mind as well.

Plot Details[]

Maruo charges at Doppo, who states his disinterest in fighting him, and blows off his right arm with a punch. The attack ends up doing no harm to Doppo as he easily regenerates his missing limb and pierces Maruo with shards of icicles from behind, causing him to fall to the ground. However, Maruo manages to pick himself back up to attack Doppo once again. With Doppo busy with Maruo, Ten suggests to Urara to use this opportunity to retreat. After hearing this, Doppo prevents the two from escaping by creating blizzard on top of the building. Urara notices her tanto leave her side and looks up to see Doppo confronting her. After being attacked once again by Maruo, Doppo becomes annoyed and summons a large piece of hail to fall on top of Maruo. However, Maruo manages to break free, shocking both Doppo, Urara, and Ten, who questions Urara if Maruo is really human, to which she replies that he simply loves manga. As he charges towards Doppo to throw another attack, Maruo remembers as to why he loves manga and the heroes he inspires to be like.

After reaching his limits, Maruo falls to the ground unconscious, which pleases Doppo. Seeing as how things went a little overboard that is enough to concern the Omnyo Bureau, Doppo decides to quickly finish his business and goes to pick up Urara's tanto on the ground. However, he sees that it is missing and looks to see Ten holding. Ten becomes frightened after Doppo yells at him to give up the tanto but refuses since he remembers how Urara taught him to see things through and gains encouragement from watching Maruo fighting. Ten then listens to Urara ordering him to release the tanto from its sheath, to which he complies with. With her true form released, Urara quickly dashes forward to pass Doppo, attack a few of the men from the syndicate, and grab Ten and Maruo. Doppo then looks in shock to see Urara's yokai form, which further confirmed his suspicions about her. Urara orders Ten to hold on to Maruo as she prepares to take Hashihime along in their retreat.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Chapter Notes[]



Chapters and Volumes v  e
Volume 1

1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7

Volume 2

8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16

Volume 3

17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  25

Chapters and Story Arcs v  e
Introduction Arc

1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5

Vs. Doppo Arc

6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10

Todoroki Alliance Arc

11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18

Kori Hotel Arc

19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  24  •  25
