Maruo Kaido vs. Doppo Akari is a battle between the Urara Family member Maruo Kaido and the second chairman of the Enma Syndicate Doppo Akari.
After relocating to a new place, with assistance from the scam gang, Urara and Maruo are warned by them about a crowd of black suited Ayashimon walking around the streets of Kabukicho. Noticing the Enma Syndicate pin attached to them, Urara realizes that the Onmyo Bureau agent that approached her the other day got into contact with the gang to hunt them down. The group then prepare to lay low inside the building until the search is over.

Maruo punches Doppo for putting his hands on Urara.
However, they are met unexpectedly by Doppo Akari, the second chairman of the Enma Syndicate. Having found Urara, Doppo has her look into his car where he has Hashihime captive and sees her reacting in shock, confirming his suspicions that the two know each other. He then orders his men to capture everyone on the roof while he having Urara come with him. After grabbing Urara's arm, Doppo notices an odd scent coming from her and is hit in the face by Maruo for laying his hands on her. Seeing Doppo undamaged by his attack, Maruo becomes confused on whether he managed to block it or dodge it and becomes even more confused after Doppo sets his hand on fire that feels cold. Wanting to take only Urara, Doppo decides to confront Maruo in a fight to have him not get in his way, much to Maruo's delight.

Doppo refusing to engage Maruo in a ritual duel.
Although he has his men set up a barrier, Doppo tells Maruo that he refuses to fight him in a ritual duel by putting on his mask or utter the sacred words since he is merely a human. Although Maruo is told by Urara that they are better off retreating from Doppo, Maruo tells Urara that that option would not be possible since the Enma Syndicate has the whole building surrounded.

Doppo ruthlessly attacks Maruo while he is down.
Maruo makes the first move by charging at Doppo with a punch. Doppo moves out of the way of his attack and defends himself by releasing a trail of flames on the ground. After his feet makes contact with the fire, Maruo falls to the ground after his legs suddenly becomes numb. Doppo reveals to him that his flames have the power to steal heat from anything they touch and proceeds to repeatedly step on Maruo while he is down. He then explains his intentions of instilling fear into Urara by forcing her to watch as her ally is beaten down and strikes Maruo with a large, generated chuck of ice from his arm. With his blood heating his body back up, Maruo manages to regain mobility to blind Doppo with his blood and punch a hole through Doppo's face. However, the damage was proven to have no effect on Doppo as he easily regenerates the missing half of his face. He then expels a breath of fire onto Maruo, resulting in his body being too frozen to move.

Maruo comes to Urara's side to protect her from Doppo.
Doppo then focuses his attention back to Urara and sees her pull out a tanto to defend herself. After noticing the familiarities of the tanto's sheath, Doppo realizes in shock that Urara is Kio's daughter, much to everyone's shock to hear. He then sheds a tear and gives out an order to his men to shoot Urara down, explaining that her existence meant nothing if Kio kept her hidden. With enough strength, Marup stands back up to shield Urara. Doppo tells Maruo that, while he respects his loyalty towards his boss, he does not have the time to deal with him. In response, Maruo gives a smile and tells him that what he was doing is not an act of loyalty but an act of gratitude that his path following Urara has led him to the chairman, the strongest opponent that he has fought so far.

Maruo pressing on in his fight against Doppo.
Although badly wounded, Maruo recklessly charges at Doppo to punch him but has no luck in dealing damage as the chairman's body easily regenerates from each of his attacks, resulting in him being left wide open for his opponent's ice attacks. Despite this, Maruo uses his endurance to continue the fight and have him avoid touching Urara. After hearing Ten suggest to Urara to use the time they have now to retreat, Doppo summons a blizzard to prevent this, which results in Maruo being slightly frozen, and approaches Urara with the intention to kill her after she drops her tanto.

Maruo falls unconscious after reaching his limit.
However, he is interfered once again by Maruo after the human comes in to punch through his head. Finding him annoying, Doppo drops down a large hail stone on top of Maruo to finish him off but sees him break free, albeit badly injured than before. While rushing in to throw another punch at Doppo, Maruo remembers how he wanted to be a manga protagonist in order to avoid losing to anyone strong and imagines his punch being effective against Doppo. After his body reaches its limit, Maruo falls unconscious in front of Doppo, much to his relief that he didn't commit to his attack.

Urara prepares to retreat with Maruo and Ten after entering her yokai form.
Knowing that the Onmyo Bureau will not turn a blind eye to the actions he has done today, Doppo decides to quickly things by first grabbing the tanto Urara drop in front of him. However, he sees that it is gone and is in Ten's possession. Ten states his refusal to give Doppo the knife after the chairman demanded him to, explaining how Maruo's determination motivated him to finish the things he started just as Urara advised him to. He then follows Urara's orders in unsheathing the tanto, allowing her to enter her yokai. After getting past Doppo and killing a few of his men, Urara carries Ten on her back and grabs her unconscious subordinate while commenting on how, despite his stupidity, it is her job as his boss to look after him. She then tells Ten to carry Maruo as she prepares to include Hashihime in their retreat from the Enma Syndicate.