Ayashimon Wiki

Mizuha (ミズハ Mizuha?) is an Ayashimon and one of the three executive members of the Enma Syndicate.



As a human, Mizuha takes on the appearance of a young female of average height, long hair, front bangs that fall all the way down to her eyes, and three long strands freely hanging from the top of her head. She wears a tank top with a key necklace, a jacket on top, and shorts.


Mizuha carries herself with a nonchalant disposition while having a cruel, merciless, and sadistic personality, as she is unhesitant in brutalizing yokai and takes pleasure in "playing" with them in her lab, suggesting that she does this frequently. This level of cruelty can be seen as being equal to that of her boss, as she would be the one Doppo would turn to for guidance on how he should proceed to turn yokai into his works of art.

Mizuha is a believer that the gangs of Kabukicho are already at war with each other ever since Kio's death and the power balance between the Four Great Powers no longer means anything, which meant for her that every other gang or criminal organization in Kabukicho should be ready for battle at any point in time and looks down on those who don't see the big picture.


Vs. Doppo Arc[]

Following Doppo's decision to include Hashihime into his art collection, Mizuha is asked by the chairman if this was doable, to which she confirms that it was. She then becomes unaware of Number 11's arrival after the agent had created a barrier to talk to Doppo alone but somehow manages to move within the barrier to attack Number 11, much to his shock. After Number 11 makes his leave upon delivering the photos of the two undocumented entrants that Doppo was informed of yesterday, Mizuha asks Doppo if they should move on to killing Hashihime, to which he answers that he will instead spare her. She then stands on the stage as Doppo announces his plan to put the major organizations in Shinjuku in their place, starting off by commanding the Enma Syndicate to hunt down the two undocumenteds.

Mizuha questions an Ayashimon

Mizuha interrogating an Ayashimon to find Urara and Maruo.

After the order is sent out, Mizuha confronts a Ayashimon and harmfully questions him to find out if he knew the two undocumenteds, to which the Ayashimon replies that he is not connected to them. Having wasted her time, Mizuha dismembers the Ayashimon and orders her men to take him so that can "play" with him in her lab for later. She then hears the Ayashimon threatening her with the thought of a grudge war against his backer, to which Mizuha replies back by stating that a war has already started in Kabukicho.

Later, Mizuha, along with the other executives, makes her way back to Doppo after learning of his confrontation with the Urara Family.

Abilities and Powers[]

As an executive member of the Enma Syndicate, Mizuha holds a powerful position within the gang. A testament to her capabilities was how she was somehow able to move within Number 11's, an agent of the Onmyo Bureau, barriers that forbids awareness and movement from anyone he does not consistent to, which not even he thought was possible.



  • Yojutsu: Zephyr ( (よう) (じゅつ) ふるり (かぜ) Yōjutsu: Fururi Kaze?, Literal meaning: Demon Arts: Zephyr): Mizuha blows at her target and causes their arms and legs to obliterate. She first used this technique to punish an Ayashimon she was interrogating for wasting her time. The attack is named after Zephyrus, the greek god of the west wind.


Mizuha has the intuition to assist Doppo in turning Ayashimon into his artworks.


Pen Tool: Mizuha carries around a pen-like tool that she uses as a weapon.



Characters v  e
Enma Syndicate

Kio  •  Doppo Akari  •  Hashihime  •  Mizuha  •  Ungaikyo  •  Nobusuma  •  Hishaku Watari

Uwan Family

Uwan  •  Amikiri  •  Onigama  •  Roujinbi

Urara Family

Urara  •  Maruo Kaido  •  Ten

Amamehagi's Gang


Onmyo Bureau

Number 11  •  Kagehito  •  Number 4

Todoroki Alliance

Kotton  •  Oboro  •  Wakku

Kori Hotel

Gyobu-Danuki  •  Tamagawa  •  Inari Aburaya

Ayakashi ☆ B-Stars


Cabaret Undine



Nyudo Inokuma  •  Amazake-baba  •  Shira  •  Ozunu
