Ayashimon Wiki
Ayashimon Wiki

Nyudo Inokuma ( (いの) (くま) (にゅう) (どう) Inokuma Nyūdō?) is a Ayashimon and a gangster in Kabukicho.



As a human, Nyudo appears as a man with dark hair that is shaved from the sides of his head and streaks running through the top. He has tribal tattoos that runs down from his face to his arms. His attire consists of a shirt with a pattern on the right side that matches his tattoos, dark pants that is held by a belt, and dark shoes.


As a yokai, Nyudo appears as a humanoid torch where he has dark skin and his hair, eyes, and tattoos are set ablaze.


Nyudo is violent, hot-headed, and foul-mouthed to those who treat him or his gang with disrespect.



Nyudo was once a servant to Shuten Doji.


Introduction Arc[]

After a lackey Ayashimon disrespects him and his gang, Nyudo angrily harasses him at bar and causes a scene. Upon seeing Maruo Kaido getting out of his chair to defend the harassed Ayashimon, despite his Urara's objection, Nyudo enters his true form and attacks Maruo with a punch. Nyudo sees that Maruo managed to block his attack and becomes even more furious with him after he takes the time to talk to Urara. He then attacks Maruo again using a flaming breath attack but fails to hit him after Maruo blocks it with a steel door and has his flames subdued after Maruo destroys the water pipes to cause a downpour. As he sees Maruo charging at him to throw an attack, Nyudo becomes informed by Urara that Maruo is a human, after his kumicho yells at him to not defeat Nyudo until they had set up an offical ritual duel, and becomes confident that an attack from a human will do nothing to an Ayashimon like him. However, as a result of underestimating Maruo, Nyudo has his body destroyed and becomes shocked by what just happened after being reduced to a severed head.

Abilities and Powers[]

Physical Abilities[]

Immense Strength: As an Ayashimon, Nyudo possesses incredible physical strength, which Maruo was impressed by.


Pyrokinesis: Nyudo is able to control the fire that is constantly emitting from his body to burn his targets. These flames also give a boost to his monstrous strength, which is something he is known for in his reputation as a yokai.


  • Yojutsu: Karakusa Blaze ( (よう) (じゅつ) (から) (くさ) (えん) Yōjutsu: Karakusa-en?, Literal meaning: Demon Arts: Arabesque Blaze): Nyudo widens his mouth to expel a stream of fire towards his intended target. Nyudo first used this attack against Maruo but was blocked after the human used a steel door as a shield.


Maruo Kaido vs. Nyudo Inokuma
Opponent(s) Chapter(s) Outcome
Maruo Kaido 3 Loss


Characters v  e
Enma Syndicate

Kio  •  Doppo Akari  •  Hashihime  •  Mizuha  •  Ungaikyo  •  Nobusuma  •  Hishaku Watari

Uwan Family

Uwan  •  Amikiri  •  Onigama  •  Roujinbi

Urara Family

Urara  •  Maruo Kaido  •  Ten

Amamehagi's Gang


Onmyo Bureau

Number 11  •  Kagehito  •  Number 4

Todoroki Alliance

Kotton  •  Oboro  •  Wakku

Kori Hotel

Gyobu-Danuki  •  Tamagawa  •  Inari Aburaya

Ayakashi ☆ B-Stars


Cabaret Undine



Nyudo Inokuma  •  Amazake-baba  •  Shira  •  Ozunu
