Ten (テン Ten?) is a tenjo-sagari Ayashimon and a member of the Urara Family. Before joining them, he was formerly an involuntary worker for a gang of scammers until he was freed by Maruo and Urara.
In his human form, Ten appears as a young man with medium long hair, along with an ahoge on the top of his head. He wears two jackets; the first being the hooded uniform of his gang that has a blocky design, and the second being opened zippered with dark design parts and the number ten circled around on the back (which is a pun on his name). He also wears black pants and regular shoes.
In his yokai form, Ten has a humanoid body with black skin, a round head with oval-shaped eyes, a loop on the top of his head, and a single small bang at the center of his forehead.
When putting on his mask, Ten's yokai head enlarges with his skin becoming clear, his oval-shaped eyes become wider and featureless, and is absent of a mouth.

Ten's inability to remain calm in the face of danger.
Ten is a very fearful individual whenever he is in a dangerous situation, which shows whenever his yokai form slips out from his head. He initially started off as a coward, having became a slave worker for a scam gang that easily pushed him around. After he was amazed by Maruo's strength in his fight with Nyudo, Ten relied on him and Urara to save him from his troubles, as they were prepared to steal his gang's office, and declared to his superiors with overconfidence that they would make them all pay for treating him harshly. Despite this action, Ten was incapable of committing himself to doing anything that might get himself into trouble, as he immediately turned on the two after noticing that his boss was in the room.
After receiving words of motivation from Urara to see things through to the end, Ten developed the courage to put aside his fear and cowardliness to stand up to people, such as mustering up the strength to defy his boss by cheering on Maruo in their ritual duel and not follow Doppo's orders in handing him Urara's tanto despite him being afraid of the Enma Syndicate's second chairman. Despite still retaining some of his fear and cowardliness, Ten can be fiercely courageous if it's for the sake of his friends, as he showed a serious side to himself after refusing to allow Wakku speak badly about Urara and Maruo.
While a yokai, Ten lived in a village where he took care of Amazake-baba but were both on the verge of disappearing as the villagers had stopped believing in their existence. After Amazake-baba had completely vanished, Ten moved to Kabukicho to gather enough money to become an Ayashimon and rounded up being a slave worker for Amamehagi and his gang.
Introduction Arc[]
- Main article: Introduction Arc

Ten taking Maruo and Urara to his gang.
After his gang failed in a job for another gang, Ten is sent by Amamehagi to have the client take their anger out on him as a representative. As he is verbally and physically abused at a bar by one of the gang's members named Nyudo, Ten is met by Maruo who offers to help him if he were to take him and Urara to his gang's office for them to steal, much to his confusion as to what was happening in his current situation. Ten watches along with Urara as Maruo fights Nyudo and witnesses him defeat the Ayashimon. Having became amazed by Maruo's strength, Ten requests to become his underling and willing takes him and Urara to his gang's office, which he saw as a perfect opportunity to be free from his slave labor.

Ten cheering on Maruo in his ritual duel against Amamehagi.
After arriving, Ten confidently declares to his gang that the office would now belong to the Urara Family but quickly turns on the two after seeing his boss Amamehagi in the room, who is unpleased that he returned without a scratch from the client and steps on his head for thinking that he can get out of being his slave, to which he apologizes for. Ten then hears Amamehagi accepting a ritual duel from Urara for ownership of the office and watches as a spectator as his boss fights Maruo. While the fight commences, Urara cheers Maruo on from the sidelines and demands that Ten cheer him on as well. Ten tells Urara that he feels that he has no right to support Maruo since he betrayed him earlier, which leads to Urara telling him that he should either cheer on his boss or find the guts to finish the things he started as an Ayashimon. Having been told this, Ten finds the courage to cheer on Maruo, which causes Amamehagi to become distracted and give Maruo the opening to strike him in the head.
In an unexpected turn of events, Maruo becomes victorious in his battle against Amamehagi after the young man causes the floor to collapse with a punch, resulting in his opponent being crushed by a large piece of rubble. After the fight, Ten, along with his former gang members, praise Maruo for the amazing fight they all witnessed and makes a comment to him on how he acted like a manga protagonist, much to Maruo's delight to hear.
Vs. Doppo Arc[]
- Main article: Vs. Doppo Arc
With the office destroyed, Ten and his former gang members help Urara and Maruo move into an abandoned bar as a hiding spot. After returning back with refreshments for Urara, Ten and the others learn of the Enma Syndicate roaming around the streets. Despite this event, Ten then tries to reassure Urara, telling her that the Enma Syndicate wouldn't dare to start anything major since it would trigger a gang war with the other major gangs and suggest going inside to lay low. As they prepare to walk back to the room, Ten and others unexpectedly run into Doppo Akari, the second chairman of the Enma Syndicate, and his men as they walk to the roof. After learning who he is, Ten immediately becomes frighten and kneels before him while randomly apologizing. Ten is then confronted by Doppo's men after the chairman decides to capture everyone on the roof. However, after Doppo lays his hands on Urara, Maruo gets into a fight with the chairman.

Ten keeping Urara's tanto away from Doppo.
As Maruo persistently fights Doppo, Ten suggests to Urara to use the opportunity they have to retreat. However, upon hearing this, Doppo creates a blizzard on top of the roof to trap them, which results in Ten being blown away. After Urara accidently drops her tanto that contains her yokai powers, Ten quickly retrieves it before Doppo could notice and unsheathes it to allow Urara to enter her yokai form. Ten is then carried on Urara's back and is ordered by her to hold on to an unconscious Maruo while she prepares to include a captured Hashihime in their retreat. However, Hashihime willingly stays behind to fight Doppo in order to buy time for Urara to retreat.
Todoroki Alliance Arc[]
- Main article: Todoroki Alliance Arc

Ten uses his yojutsu to help Maruo and Urara escape from the Enma Syndicate.
As Urara tries to lose her pursers before her time in her yokai form runs out, Ten has Urara enter the Shinjuku Subnade and uses his yojutsu to have the three of them land at an unused tunnel. With Maruo and Urara unconscious, Ten tends to them with the items he acquired from the underground mall. While attending to Maruo and Urara, Ten tries to get in touch with Hashihime through her work phone number but hears over the phone that she was no longer working at one of her current jobs, which makes him assume the worse has happened to her.
After two weeks had passed since their confrontation with the Enma Syndicate, Ten sees Maruo back to health and later Urara. He then informs her about the news of the Enma Syndicate getting away with their actions with help from the police and his failed attempt to get in contact with Hashihime. Seeing as how they are outmatched by their enemy, Ten suggests to Urara in giving up on her ambitions on taking down the syndicate. He then reacts in panic seeing Urara stand back up in response and apologizes, thinking that he had upset her, but regains his composure upon seeing Urara on knees apologizing to both him and Maruo for the way she has mistreated them while they were together. Ten then listens on Maruo's conversation with Urara as he states his sympathy for what she was going through and his willingness to continue serving her, which he shows by wanting to have Ten sketch a tattoo on his back. After regaining her confidence back, Urara decides to revise her plan in defeating the Enma Syndicate by going to the Todoroki Alliance for support. To help with Urara's plan before they approach the Todoroki Alliance, Ten acquires documents pertaining to the gang, as well as a past group photo of the Enma Syndicate.

The Urara Family approach the Todoroki Alliance.
After reviewing their plan, Ten goes along with Urara and Maruo as they approach the Todoroki Alliance at Shinjuku 04. Ten then reacts nervously as the biker gang becomes angry with them for blocking their path and is kicked by Wakku. The gang members settle down after Kotton gives the order to do so and soon agrees to follow Urara after the leader learns from her that she is Kio's daughter. However, after viewing Ten and Maruo as being useless to her, Kotton demanded that they leave her side but is defied by both Urara and Maruo. To settle the matter, the two gangs agree to a tag-team ritual where Ten is paired up with Maruo to face against Kotton and Wakku.

Ten and Maruo face Kotton and Wakku in a ritual duel.
Ten panics being Maruo's partner and turns to Urara as he wonders why she couldn't take his place, to which she replies saying that her yokai form won't last long in a fight. Seeing as how he gets to engage in battle again, Ten thinks that Maruo is excited but hears from him that he will be taking the fight seriously so that he may not lose again. The fight then commences with Kotton attacking Maruo relentlessly with his immense speed, much to Ten's and Urara's worries that Maruo's strength will do nothing to help him win. After being distracted by Maruo taking damage, Ten is hit over the head by Wakku and realizes at the same time that his power is useless against his opponent as long as there are no ceilings for him to phase through.

Ten defeats Wakku.
Ten then realizes that his head is spinning from Wakku's yojutsu and vomits from the dizziness by the time its back into place. After being attacked again, Ten loses the will to fight and admits his defeat. However, after hearing Wakku starting to speak badly about Urara and Maruo, Ten refuses to allow Wakku to get away with disrespecting his comrades and becomes serious in defeating Wakku by putting on his mask. After managing to dodge a yojutsu attack from Wakku that creates a gap on the road, Ten dives down to secretly phases himself inside the highway and successfully baits Wakku into going after him. With Wakku down below, Ten uses his yojutsu to finish him off by having the motorcycle bikes of the Todoroki Alliance fall on top of him. After winning against Wakku, Ten decides to hide withing the ceiling until Maruo's battle with Kotton is settled.
Upon Maruo's victory against Kotton, the Todoroki Alliance officially join forces with the Urara Family and ride off with them, much to Ten's and Maruo's enjoyment to gain the experience riding with a biker gang.
Abilities and Powers[]

Ten using his yojutsu to acquire items for Maruo and Urara.
Ceiling Warping: As a tenjo-sagari, Ten possesses the ability to phase through ceilings, allowing him to easily move anywhere within a structure as long as the two spots are connected. He can also allow anything, or anyone, to become intangible through a ceiling as long as he is touching them. Ten has been seen using this yojutsu to help Urara and Maruo escape from the Enma Syndicate by phasing them to an unused tunnel in the Shinjuku Subnade and later to bring them materials from the underground mall without being spotted, signifying that this ability is useful for stealth purposes.
When wearing his mask, the range of Ten's yojutsu is extended, allowing him to pull down objects that are above the ceiling he is phased through even without coming into contact with them. In his ritual duel against Wakku, Ten had the bikes of the Todoroki Alliance on top of the second highway phase through to crush Wakku.
Mask: As an Ayashimon, Ten carries around a mask that contains his yokai form and powers, and once put on, will be granted back to him.
Friends and Allies[]
Maruo Kaido and Urara[]
Ten came to meet Maruo and Urara after Maruo defended him from Nyudo. In exchange for his good deed, Maruo wanted Ten to guide him and his boss to his gang's office for them to steal, to which he willingly agreed to do and had faith in them that they would save him from his life of forced servitude. He quickly came to admire and respect the two, as Maruo showed him what it means to be strong, and Urara gave him guidance that helped him to be a little courageous in life. Because of this, he refers to them respectfully as "Nii-san" (兄さん? Literal meaning: Elder Brother) and "Anego" (姐御? Literal meaning: Elder Sister). After no longer being bound by his boss, Ten chose to stick to Maruo's and Urara's side afterwards by helping them move into an abandoned bar as a hiding spot.
Maruo and Urara were not impressed with Ten when they first met him due to his cowardly nature. However, the two were on good terms with him after his boss's defeat. Although she had only known Ten for only a short amount of time in Kabukicho, Urara decided to include him in her retreat from the Enma Syndicate with Maruo and Hashihime as gratitude for helping her enter her yokai form, as well as his past assistance.
Amamehagi's Gang[]
Ritual Duels[]
Ten and Maruo Kaido vs. Kotton and Wakku |
Opponent(s) | Chapter(s) | Outcome |
Kotton & Wakku |
13, 14, 15, 16, 17 |
Win |