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The Urara Family (ウララ組 Urara-gumi?) is a small yakuza group led by Urara.


Urara Family Crest (Maruo)

The family crest worn by Maruo Kaido.

There are two crests to the Urara Family. The one worn by Urara depicts a circular head of a frowning oni. Maruo bares a similar version to Urara's, with the only difference being that the oni head is a dark shade and has fangs and horns.

List of Known Members[]

Urara Family v  e
Maruo Kaido
Maruo Kaido Ten
Allies and Affiliates
Todoroki Alliance
Amamehagi's Gang
Todoroki Alliance Hashihime ? Amamehagi's Gang


After the death of her father Kio, who she believed was murdered, Urara decided to follow in his footsteps by forming a yakuza group within the Kabukicho underworld with the sole purpose of exacting revenge on the one's responsible for his death, taking back the family crest she inherited from him, and becoming Kabukicho's new ruler.

Introduction Arc[]

Main article: Introduction Arc
Maruo and Urara exchange blood

Urara and Maruo forming their oyabun-kobun relationship.

After getting caught spying on the Uwan Family, Urara flees from her pursers and ended up being saved by a extremely strong human named Maruo Kaido, who she mistook as being an Ayashimon like herself. Having became impressed with his display of power, Urara offers him a position as her first member of her yakuza family. Maruo declines her invitation and takes the time to tell her his story about how he came to acquire inhuman strength after wanting to become a manga protagonist, which shocks Urara after learning that Maruo is actually human. After the Uwan Family finds Urara, Urara reveals to Maruo that she and the yakuza are Ayashimon and demands that he try to escape before they kill him. However, after one of the Ayashimon from the Uwan Family causes him to feel pain for the first time since he gained monstrous strength, Maruo decides to face the yakuza and defeats them, including their boss Uwan. Having experienced excitement from fighting Ayashimon, rather than from humans, Urara hears Maruo's change of heart to become her kobun and makes their yakuza family official by exchanging each others blood.

In order to get pass public safety of Shinjuku's borders, Urara and Maruo travel to Shinjuku Gyoen and confront the border guard, Hashihime. After watching Maruo easily defeated by Hashihime, Urara talks with her former attendant about her purpose for coming back to Shinjuku. Maruo picks himself back up to face Hashihime once again and manages to defeat her, making way for the two to enter Shinjuku.

Chapter 3

Urara and Maruo arrive at Kabukicho.

After arriving at Kabukicho, Urara shows Maruo around to have him get a sense of the district and stops at a coffee shop to talk about finding an office for the gang. While there, the two take note of an Ayashimon named Nyudo Inokuma harassing a lackey Ayashimon after the boy presented Nyudo and his gang with disrespect earlier. Believing that the harassed Ayashimon will prove to be easy prey, Urara tells Maruo that they will follow him to his gang and steal their territory. However, seeing as how Nyudo was going too far by physically abusing the harassed Ayashimon, along with thinking that it would be better confronting the harassed Ayashimon sooner than later, Maruo gets up from his seat to defend the Ayashimon in exchange for taking his office. Maruo gets into a fight with Nyudo and defeats him with a special attack that destroys the Ayashimon's physical body. Urara berates Maruo for committing an action that causes a scene and has no choice but to bribe the manager of the coffee shop with Nyudo's money converted body to keep quiet. Maruo is then asked by the harassed Ayashimon named Ten to make him his underling after becoming impressed by his strength and also hears him volunteering to take him and Urara to his gang's base of operations.

Maruo Kaido vs

Maruo faces Amamehagi in a ritual duel.

Upon arriving at the gang's office, Urara challenges the boss Amamehagi for ownership of the office by having him face Maruo in a ritual duel and offers herself if her subordinate loses. Amamehagi accepts Urara's challenge and goes up against Maruo in the ritual duel. Maruo wins the duel in an unexpected turn of events after accidently causing the floor to collapse and having Amamehagi crushed by a large piece of rubble. After the fight, Amamehagi's gang members start to praise Maruo for his performance in battle and gather around him to celebrate his victory. While checking the gang's files for information on the Enma Syndicate, Urara finds herself confronted by agents of the Onmyo Bureau for questioning after the building becomes damaged but quickly make their leave. With public safety now aware of the Urara Family's existence, Urara decides that she and Maruo need to leave the area.

Vs. Doppo Arc[]

Main article: Vs. Doppo Arc
Doppo finds Urara

Urara runs into Doppo.

After relocating to an abandoned bar to use as a hideout, with the Ayashimon scam gang helping them out, Urara and Maruo become informed about a crowd of Ayashimon in suits roaming around the streets and realize that it is the Enma Syndicate, which confirmed to Urara that the Onmyo Bureau contacted the yakuza group about her and Maruo. Before they can go back inside to lay low until the search mission is over, Urara finds herself face to face with Doppo Akari, the second chairman of the Enma Syndicate, coming up the roof. She then looks down at Doppo's car to see Hashihime hostage and reacts in shock, which confirmed to Doppo that the two knew each other as he suspected. Having found out, Doppo orders his men to capture everyone on the roof. After seeing Urara grabbed by Doppo, who noticed how she emitted a strange scent, Maruo punches Doppo in the face for putting his hands on her but sees that his attack didn't manage to wound him.

Urara fleeing from Doppo

Urara fleeing from Doppo with Maruo and Ten while being defended by Hashihime.

Maruo then engages in a fight with Doppo but ends up being on the receiving end as he falls victim to his heat stealing flames and is unable to harm him due to his intangible body. With Maruo proving no match against Doppo, Urara figures that she should abandon him and find a way to escape but decides to pull out her tanto to release her yokai powers as a last resort. Before she could, Urara hears Doppo figuring out that she is Kio's daughter after recognizing the tanto's sheath and hears him making an order to his men to shoot her. Maruo interferes with Doppo's decision to kill his boss by recklessly continuously trying to land an effective punch against him but ultimately falls unconscious from his body taking on too much damage from the chairman's attacks, leaving Urara in danger of Doppo. With help from Ten, Urara manages to enter her yokai form and carries him and Maruo while she goes to rescue Hashihime. However, with Doppo refusing to allow Urara to live, Hashihime stays behind to fight him and allow Urara and her allies to retreat from the area.

Todoroki Alliance Arc[]

Main article: Todoroki Alliance

As she tries to outrun the Enma Syndicate members pursing her before her form expires, Urara listens to Ten's suggestion to enter the Shinjuku Subnade and manages to escape to an unused tunnel with her allies after Ten uses his ceiling warping yojutsu. After Urara passes out, Ten spends the next two weeks bringing her and Maruo back to health. At some point during the two weeks, Maruo fully recovers from his injuries and Ten learns over the phone that Hashihime is no longer working at one of her current jobs, causing him to speculate that the worse has happened to her, and that the Enma Syndicate has covered up their actions with support from the police. After Urara wakes up, Ten informs her on what has happened during the time she was asleep. Urara then expresses her regret for the way she has mistreated Maruo and Ten and her actions that lead to Hashihime's unfortunate fate. Seeing her depressed, Maruo tells Urara that he is willing to continue serving her as her underling and wishes to get payback for the lose he suffered by Doppo, which helps Urara to become resolved to settle the score with the Enma Syndicate and asks for Maruo's and Ten's support.

Maruo Kaido and Ten vs

The Urara Family enter into a ritual duel against the Todoroki Alliance.

Needing a powerful organization on their side, the Urara Family turn towards the Todoroki Alliance and manages to have their leader Kotton agree to support them after Urara reveals to him that she is the daughter of the Ayashimon he was loyal to in the past. However, Kotton informs Urara that the Todoroki Alliance will only support her alone and refuses to cooperate with Maruo and Urara since he viewed them as being weak. With Urara and Maruo refusing to comply, the Urara Family and Todoroki Alliance decide to settle the matter with a ritual duel, with Maruo and Ten up against Kotton and Wakku. After Kotton and Wakku utter the sacred words to begin the duel, Maruo is targeted by Kotton with his enhanced yokai speed and ends up being badly injured on the ground. To help him with his battle, Urara uses her telepathy to communicate to Maruo and instructs him to target Kotton's heart-engine to defeat him. Maruo follows Urara's instructions after catching onto Kotton as he is running but sees that Kotton stopped his punch from going through him.
